We Want to Hear from You! – 2024 Kendall County Fair Feedback Request

A big thank you to everyone who joined us for the Kendall County Fair 2024! Your presence made it a fantastic event, and now we’d love to get your feedback.

Your opinions are crucial in helping us make the fair even better next year. We’d appreciate it if you could take a moment to share your thoughts:

  • What were your favorite parts of the fair? 🎠

  • Was there anything we could improve on? 🛠️

  • How did you find the organization and layout? 🗺️

  • Were the attractions, food, and vendors up to your expectations? 🍔

  • Any new ideas or suggestions for 2025? 💡

Please drop your comments below or send us a direct message. We value your input and are committed to making the Kendall County Fair a highlight for our community each year.

Thank you for being a part of our Kendall County family! We can’t wait to see you again in 2025! 🎉

#KendallCountyFair #2024FairFeedback #CommunityMatters

Please fill out our 2024 Fair Feedback Form below

or use the Google Form link here: https://forms.gle/N1RpViNuHBHjThgr9